[Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei)] do_YVvFnmmfgAeY8HPRRBJ4T

  • Document ID: do_YVvFnmmfgAeY8HPRRBJ4T
  • Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
  • Link to Online Archive:

Discussion Question

last name? - religion?

last name:
I only found her name in this passenger list.

Could it be her with differently spelt last name?
Olga Denisora / Denisova / Denissowa / Vonissowa (born 07.07.1885 in Riga [sic!]

„gc tolst“ - Maybe refers to Nicholas Tolstoy, the first Russian Orthodox priest to solicit a union with Catholic Church in 1893 ? According to Wikipedia he was one of the intellectual precursors of the Russian Greek Catholic Church.
In the a/m passenger list the emigrant’s religion is noted down as „G.C.“ (Greek Catholic), her emigration said to be sponsored by „CWS“