- Document ID: do_Nkb4KU7Ud1LLNjuKFUbGN
- Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
- Link to Online Archive:
year of departure: 195x
ship name (I only decipher „…OR…“)
According to this shipping list she left on Oct 13, 1950 onboard „General Sturgis“
Maybe she had to change plans (and the ship), as in the card the day of departure is 12th Oct.
Marta ESE
According to the date of arrival in the Embarkation Center (22.09.1950, upper right corner) it seems most likely, that the year of departure is also 1950.
The name of the ship could be Gen. Blatchford, it matches with the length of the word and the legible letters "OR " at the end of the word…