- Document ID: do_Jq4784nB2UUzQvLtYsdqf
- Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
- Link to Online Archive:
I entered „unclear“ in day and year of departure (probably reads 3 or 5 May 1949)
doubts ship name and date of departure:
According to this document he left on USAT „General Mercy“ on 6 May 1949
He went with Maria and Nikolaj DOROGOKUPIEC
doubts date of birth:
I think this is him too with date of birth 13 April 1977 (in Janow, PL)
note: " Emigr. to USA 26.04. 1949"
accompanied by Maria DOROGOKUPIEC, born 08.09.1884 (wife?) and Nikolaj D. (b. 19.07.1925)
with date of birth 10 May 1977
Accompanied by Maria D. (DOB as above)
name list (creation period 12 – 28 April 1949)
#departure date: I´d rather say „May 3rd“