[Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei)] do_FuvB8mnjQVWedZcn1xMb7

  • Document ID: do_FuvB8mnjQVWedZcn1xMb7
  • Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
  • Link to Online Archive:

Discussion Question

Wolf FERTIG #dutch #jew

Wolf Izak (Willy/William) Fertig

#polish (not Dutch)





Wolf Izak Fertig (1918 - 1981) - Genealogy (geni.com)



William Fertig, born in 1918 in Holland and raised in Berlin, Germany, discusses his family’s flight from Germany to Poland; their time in a crowded ghetto; his experiences during forced labor; his specialty as a plumber and time in a work camp; the murder of his family; his imprisonment in Auschwitz; living day to day and hanging onto hope; suicide among prisoners; working in an ammunitions factory; his survival as a result of his specialized work skills; the Russian invasion of Poland; a forced march in freezing conditions; his relocation to Buchenwald for a brief period; many deaths during the march; escaping from a box car with three other prisoners; finding food and shelter with Czech farmers; help from a Czech policeman; his recovery in a Catholic hospital in Czechoslovakia at the end of the war; his time in a displaced persons camp run by the Americans; meeting his future wife in the displaced persons camp; being sponsored by an American serviceman for his immigration to the United States; and his ongoing nightmares from his wartime experiences.
