- Document ID: do_CK75AKWYVHkK34sZeBXro
- Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
- Link to Online Archive:
#remark: „Returned to Munich on 25.5-51 on the returning IRO Transport Train on Fridy 25th May 1951“
#religion gc iirc not found
Vasil Cupa died in 1993:
Vasil Cupa (1919 - 1993) - North Port, FL | AncientFaces Free Family History
I just had „iirc“ in the card of Anna Cupa (his wife?), with 3 other (probably) family members next to him in the passenger list. All five entries in the „sponsor“ column read „IRC“, so maybe iirc is a typo?
(I can’t post anything for Anna`s card, but @Helle74 has got it here.)
After their return to Munich they seemed to have sailed to the US on Aug 07, 1951 („General Sturgis“), again the entries read „IRC“ (see passenger list)