[Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei)] do_5WfsRWT9Q95Qiwhew54LK

  • Document ID: do_5WfsRWT9Q95Qiwhew54LK
  • Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
  • Link to Online Archive:

Discussion Question


#ship is likely „General Stewart“
departure reads „Oct.2th“, might be a typo and should read „2nd“, or the figure „1“ in front of „2“ is missing and should read „12th“

I have come across such dates with (typo) „th“ several times: (1th / 2th / 23th /…)
Maybe the stamps were made by non-English speakers?

date of departure according to this document:
Oct. 2nd, 1949 („General Stewart“)

1 „Gefällt mir“

This was my assumption, too, and I had many cards with the same typos, but in this case it is not clea, that´s why I montioned it.
Have a lovely weekend!