- Document ID: 134581202
- Document Collection: 7-5-27 Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Heinrich STERN, born in May 1888 in Weilerswist, Germany
doubts about identity and fate. Are these men with different days of birth identical?
Most likely the following details refer to the same person, but I’m really not sure…
Maybe you can help clarify this? @velthove1 @carola.b
date of birth 03.05.1888
on yadvashem: fate not stated, residence: Anderle (Anderlecht?), Bruxelles, Belgium, interned in Gurs
on findagrave: murdered in Auschwitz in 1942
Local family database: married to Frieda LÖWY (born 25 May 1891 in Purschau near Tachau)
date of birth 02.05.1888
fate: deported from Drancy (F) to Auschwitz on 10.08.1942, murdered
Heinrich Stern fled from Germany to Belgium:
The day Germany invaded Belgium on May 10th, 1940, the Belgian authorities rounded-up about 4500 mostly German and Austrian Jewish refugees who had fled their countries in the wake of Hitler’s increasingly anti-Semitic legislation and had them deported to different internment camps in the south of France.
They were considered as enemies or potential spies by the Belgian authorities even if they had been fighting the Nazis in the thirties by word or by act. (1)
Heinrich Stern was amongst them:
Later on Heinrich Stern was transferred to camp Gurs and from there to Drancy. (see your MP-link)
On the 10th of August 1942 he was deported to Auschwitz.
All your links seem to refer to the same Heinrich Stern.
Don’t leave this page before looking at the picture of his brother Richard Stern in front of his store in Cologne (Köln) with the Iron Cross pinned on his lapel during a boycott by the Nazis of Jewish businesses in April 1933;
This Jewish War Hero Protested the Nazis… Then Helped Defeat Them
Richard Stern (Unternehmer) – Wikipedia
(1) The same kind of round ups took place in France
You can read for example Alfred Kantorowicz “Exil in Frankreich. Merkwürdigkeiten und Denkwürdigkeiten” to know what this meant for the persons concerned.
@carola.b - Thank you so much for all this additional info!