[1-1-26-3_HPK_Mauthausen_Männer_Part2_Challenge2025] 1581330

  • Document ID: 1581330
  • Document Collection: 1-1-26-3_individuelle Unterlagen Mauthausen M�nner (HPK)

Discussion Question

Josef LATO #Polish
Asked by @cine.cure

Josef LATO, b. 17.03.1908
A married man and father of 2. A pork butcher.

In Auschwitz-Birkenau from 03.10.1943 (prisoner nr unknown)
In Mauthausen from 08.11.1943 with prisoner nr 39002
From 18.11.1943 in subcamp Kalk as cook for SS-canteen
His fate beyond that point remains unclear

#typo POB should read Melgiew (Poland)
#error wrong stamp for initial camp: it should read Birkenau, as indicated per other records


Not listed in Auschwitz Memorial’s database
Not listed in Mauthausen Memorial’ Raum der Namen