[Postkontrollkarten Männer Buchenwald] 6250663

  • Document ID: 6250663
  • Document Collection: 1-1-5-3-individuelle Unterlagen Buchenwald M�nner

Discussion Question

Jozef Kaucic. Croatian?

The prisoner reason is abbreviated as „Polit. It.“.
→ political, italian
The place of birth is in Slovenia. Therefore, I would assume that Jozef Kaucic is originally Slovenian. Possibly the place was Italian occupied.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Ohh, I read a letter „H“. (Hrvatski). Thank you @fonte9

I would have read „H“ as well. However, checking the Archive shows that he was Italian:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you very much, @christiane.kolbus !!