[Nummern-Namen-Kartei Männer Buchenwald - Part 13] 9804940 - Dawid Brotfeld


Discussion Question

#jew - #french residence
Asked by @routebleue


1 „Gefällt mir“

Dawid BROTFELD (David Brodfeld), born in Cernauti/Romania (today Chernivtsi/Чернівці, Ukraine) on 04.12.1896. His family lived in Paris 11e, rue Oberkampf.
They were transported from Drancy to Auschwitz (convoi 37 and 47)
Dawid survived.
his Arolsen online documents

the Brotfeld family on memorialdelashoah (with photos)

Hs wife: Sarah née ORNSTEIN (*01.12.1898, Cernauti)
She did not return.

His son: Léon BROTFELD (* 12.01.1921, Cernauti), he survived.

His daughter: Sylvia BROTFELD (Silvia Brodfeld) (*07.06.1923, Cernauti).
She was a resistant activist of „Jeunesses Communistes“ and the friend of Maurice FELD (who was arrested the same day and shot in August 1942).
She did not return.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Léon Brotfeld

Sylvia Brotfeld

1 „Gefällt mir“