[Nummern-Namen-Kartei Männer Buchenwald - Part 13] 9790627


Discussion Question

Rémi DOLIDON #French
Asked by @cine.cure

Rémi Louis Alexandre DOLIDON, b. 29.07.1908

Jailed in France in 1941 for theft.
Later in Witterda camp.
In the course of 1944, a trial was led again Remi Dolidon and others for having hunted a roe deer, late 1943 in woods next to the camp, and cooked it into the camp (based on my understanding of the German documents linked below). For this deed, he was condemned to a 6 months detention.
In #Buchenwald from 03.03.1945 with prisoner nr 133217 (S3 from 16.03.1945)
He seemingly perished in #Dachau on May 22, 1945, based on an anotation of his birth record in his native town’s register.

Buchenwald detention files: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/archive/1-1-5-3_01010503-001-099-223
Files of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at Regional Court Erfurt: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/archive/1-2-2-1_10009055
Birth record (p234/257): État Civil
No data on BDDM (transport lists)