[Kartei der polnischen Häftlinge aus dem Konzentrationslager Dachau (übergeben vom Instytut Pamięci Narodowej)] do_W6YG2aaSq9kpKbk9GAQ34

  • Document ID: do_W6YG2aaSq9kpKbk9GAQ34
  • Document Collection: 7-8-1- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN) Sig. 781000007 „Kartei Dachau“

Discussion Question

doubts place of birth /admitting office

doubts place of birth /admitting office
I entered " Carvin, Pas de Calais Frankr. " in admitting office and left his place of birth blank.
His place of birth is „Lautenburg“ (today Lidzbark, Poland), according to the documents below.
Carvin (Dép. Pas-de-Calais, France) was his place of residence.

#polish (POB) #french (POR) #resistance

Bronisław (Bruno) PRZYBYLSKI (born 22.08.1904 in Lidzbark, Poland)
He was married to Germinale VILCOT (1907 – 1999) and lived in Carvin, rue de Libercourt (today rue Jean Moulin, source)
He returned.

as Bruno PRZIBILSKI on bddm

as Bruno PRISBILSKI on memoiredeshommes




on geneanet here and here