[Kartei der polnischen Häftlinge aus dem Konzentrationslager Dachau (übergeben vom Instytut Pamięci Narodowej)] 134827021

prisoner number:
He was in Dachau twice. 2919 is his first Dachau number, 21987 his second.
[edit 06.01.2024]
Here is his second Dachau card


Emil SZRAMEK – Emil Michael SCHRAMEK was a Polish priest.
The German occupiers had put his name on the black list of their „Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen“ in connection with the so-called „Intelligenzaktion Schlesien“.
Emil Szramek did not obey the instructions of the German authorities, was arrested and imprisoned in Dachau, Mauthausen-Gusen, and again in KL Dachau.
In January 1942 he was so exhausted and sick from the camp conditions that he was transferred to the infirmary (Krankenrevier). There a CC nurse poured ice-cold water on him in the washroom and left him lying on the floor. The next morning (13.01.1942) he was found there, frozen to death.

(In most cases, the true circumstances of a prisoner’s death were never mentioned. This is another example of fake causes of death: according to his concentration camp files he died of „cardiovascular failure due to an intestinal catarrh“.)
