- Document ID: 134798499
- Document Collection: 7-8-1- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN) Sig. 781000007 „Kartei Dachau“
place of birth is „Teschen, Schlesien“ (Cieszyn)
places of residence: Köln/Cologne and Stuttgart (Germany)
Abraham RIMPEL
on ushmm
His wife:
Ester Ziel (Cäcilie) RIMPEL née LÖWY. (1881 – 1933)
Four children:
Three of them were able to emigrate and survived: Ottilie MEYER (in USA), Helene MAYER (in South Africa), Arthur RIMPEL (in USA)
Their daughter Rosa had to stay in Kraków Ghetto and did not return after the (so-called) evacuation.