Document ID: 134600724
Document Collection: 1-1-26-8-2-Haeftlingspersonalkarten (erhalten von der Gedenkstaette Auschwitz)
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Boleslaw Sosnowski was imprisoned in a concentration camp. After beeing admitting to the camp, the Nazis prepared a document containing the following information: Boleslaw Sosnowski was born on 09.10.1909 in Krysk with the maiden name [Unknown]. According to the information on the document, Boleslaw Sosnowski was verheiratet, and had 1 children. The religion recorded on the document is rk, and the citizenship is Polen. The Nazis gave Boleslaw Sosnowski the prisoner number 92774 on arrival at the camp. These numbers were used instead of prisoners’ names in everyday camp life. To give the persecution and imprisonment in the concentration camp the appearance of legality, the following detention details were recorded on the card: Pole. In addition, Boleslaw Sosnowski had to wear clothes with a Nicht ausgefüllt triangle in the concentration camp. However, the real reason for the persecution inflicted on Boleslaw Sosnowski was the Nazis’ inhuman worldview.
Does the volunteer get the answer to his question without being registered?
Dear Martina,
the forum itself can be viewed without registration. You just can’t post anything. So if someone has registered in the tool, writes a question about the document and then appears anonymously in the forum, the answer from the community can still be read by the author. There is no notification or similar, but by following the forum posts, the answer can reach the author.
All the best,
Oh, sorry - in my understanding „# system“ was an unregistered user. So this has changed and the person who posted the first question here is indeed registered and his „abbrevation“ is „# system“?