his wife
From childhood, Cilli Wang was known as the “Pavlova of Parody” for her experimentation with movement based on spoken word. Even when the Anschluss forced her to flee her home country of Austria, she continued developing dance and speech performances...
Survived in hiding in The Hague, Bagijnestraat 23, thanks to the Dutch actor Herbertus Perquin, but died after a stroke due to a visit from the Gestapo.
Schlesinger, Hans
Wife: Cilli Wang
Zäzilie Wang (1 February 1909, Vienna — 10 July 2005, Vienna), stage name Cilli Wang, was an Austrian-born Dutch dancer, performer and theatre maker. Wang initially was known as a dancer and later as a comedienne in Austria and Germany. When Austria merged into the Greater German Reich, she fled to the Netherlands and asked for asylum. After World War II she played in several Dutch cabaret groups and made solo performances into the 1970s.
Cilli Wang studied dance in Vienna, she had previously be...