- Document ID: do_PF2KFvLgzi1sfxt6mjWUb
- Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/132435879
Living in Den Haag, Stadionweg 80, and Amsterdam.
He went to Westerbork, voluntarily, to help the people there.
Deported 1943-09-14 to Auschwitz.
He was a prisoner doctor at Auschwitz.
He did survive.
He wrote a Book on his experience in Auschwitz titled „Eindstation Auschwitz. Mijn verhaal vanuit het kamp (1943–1945)“ (english version: „Last Stop Auschwitz“)
Eliazar de Wind
Story, documents and pictures:
Eddy de Wind - Stadsarchief Amsterdam