[CLI Part 27] do_1JMnvAr1ikNz7tHxn2aTY


Discussion Question

#German #EdithHirth

Edith Hirth
DOB: 11th of October 1920
DOD: 31st of August in Capri, Italy


Edith Schmidt Bodner née Hirth


Holocaust: Three Generations: Chapter 1. Three generations from Frankfurt to London: Edith Schmidt-Bodner (1928-2009) on Apple Podcasts

Discours de Linda Rosenblatt lors de la Marche de la Mémoire, 2017 - AME 43 (with picture of Edith Hirth)

Schmidt-Bodner, Edith (Oral history) | Imperial War Museums (iwm.org.uk)

@konekomiep I don’t think you selected the right person. “Your” Edith Hirth was born in 1920. She would have been 16 years old in 1936. Her father was Meyer Hirth.

The Edith Hirth under reference was born in 1928 and 16 years old in 1944. Her father was Samuel Hirth.

If you listen to the interview above it all fits with the details on the CLI-card under reference:

Edith’s parents were both born in Poland, but moved to Germany at an early age. They kept their Polish nationality. They had three children. Edith Hirth was the youngest. Edith got separated from her parents and siblings in France because she was staying for the summer holiday with the Hochner family, friends of her parents, in Saint-Martin-Vésubie. She fled with the Hochner family to Rome via Turin and was hidden in a catholic convent. After the war she was reunited with het family who had survided in hiding in Lyon. In 1950 Edith Hirth married and moved to London.

Father: Samuel Hirth

Samuel Hirth est né le jour mois 1894, à lieu de naissance.
Samuel a épousé Lea (Lina) Hirth (née Hollander) en 1921, à l’âge de 26 ans à lieu du mariage.
Lea est née le jour mois 1895, à lieu de naissance.
Ils ont eu 3 enfants**: Edith Bodner** (née Hirth) et 2 autres enfants.
Samuel est décédé le jour mois 1977, à l’âge de 83 ans à lieu de décès.

Source: Samuel Hirth - Registres Historique et arbres généalogique des familles - MyHeritage

Mother: Lea Hollander

1 „Gefällt mir“

Oh I think you’re right!!
Thank you for your work and the clarification!