[CLI Part 26] do_sJkCBAvNR6Wj6ZFebfw17


Discussion Question

Baruch FUHRMANN #rumanian #jewish

Baruch FUHRMANN (FURMAN) (* 1888-03-22 (1886-03-22) in Cernauti, Romania; + NET 1943-01-23 in Auschwitz)

Son of Menashe FUHRMANN and Freidel.
Married to Feiga (Fanny) AVNER.
They (migh) have a daughter, Edith FUHRMANN, later ANTMANN, who would have survived and was living in the USA.

Living in Vienna, Große Mohrengasse 35/6.

Deported 1943-01-08 from Vienna to Theresienstadt.

Deported 1943-01-23 from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz.

He did not survive.


Fanny FUHRMANN, née AVNER (EBNER) (* 1899-06-02 in Cernauti, Romania; + NET 1943-01-23 in Auschwitz), his wife

Daughter of Benjamin AVNER and Anna Ebner ESSENFELD.
Married to Bernard FUHRMANN.

Deported with her husband to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz.
She did not survive.


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Wife: Fanny Fuhrmann

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