[CLI Part 26] do_fnmSjYBJKegtoT1opLujc


Discussion Question

Carel Christiaan STEENSMA #dutch

Carel Steensma - Wikipedia(Franeker%2C%2010,van%20het%20Nederlands%20Dachau%20Comit%C3%A9.


Carel Christiaan Steensma – Verzetsmuseum

After the liberation of KL Dachau, Carel Steensma returned to Holland by bus with a couple of other Dutch inmates.
While more and more representatives from other countries arrived in Dachau to escort their political prisoners home, the Dutch authorities didn’t seem to care and left them to their own devices. In this article a picture of Carel and his friends with the bus („Thanks to the Yanks“!). Carel is hanging out of the window of the bus - on the left, under the „h“ of the word „the“ - on the first picture):

Another picture of Carel Steensma (the person with crutched since one of his legs had to be amputated in Natzweiler - without anaesthesia):


More on the Engelandvaarders:

Carel Christiaan Steensma | Oorlogsgravenstichting

See also: