[CLI Part 25] do_7bGStrBKqcBvRGA5EyPpg


Discussion Question

Baruch DEGEN #polish

Baruch DEGEN / DAGEN (* 1913-05-15 in Novy Targ, Poland)

Son of Chaim DEGEN and Blima DEGEN, née KORNBLUM.
Transferred on the 1942-01-12 from Rhodos to CC Ferramonti di Tarsia in Italy.


Cilla / Cylla DEGEN/GENGER (* 1918/1914-04-14 in Novi Tarz, Poland)

Daughter of Elia DEGEN and Sara DEGEN, née ZOLLMANN.

Transferred on the 1942-01-12 from Rhodos to CC Ferramonti di Tarsia in Italy.


Jakob MOISCHE (* 1943-08-21)

Baruch Degen (1913 - 2002) - Genealogy (geni.com)

Wife: Cyla Genger

@baulukas: As you can see here and in link below, Cyla Genger is the daughter of Elias/Elyahu Genger not of Elia Degen

Cyla Degen (Genger) (1914 - 1992) - Genealogy (geni.com)

Son: Moische Izak Degen

All three moved to Palestina in 1944

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