[CLI_Part_22] 132191326 Luigi ERRERA


Discussion Question


Luigi ERRERA *19.07.1862 +1945

#jew @carola.b
Mentioned here: LETTERE INEDITE DI GIOVANNI VAILATI A LUIGI ERRERA on JSTOR (behind paywall) and >here
Obviously professor in Milano, but no further info found, neither on ushmm nor YV

Luigi’s parents: Angelo ERRERA and Irene née NORSA. (with typo in this CLI card)
His siblings: Giorgio, Giannina, Giulia and Attilio
The Erreras were anti-fascists, although not politically active, but all the Errera brothers opposed the fascist regime.
Luigi was a senior manager of the railway. When he realized that fascism was taking hold, he decided to retire in order to avoid having to join the national fascist party.
His brother Giorgio ERRERA (1860 – 1933), a well-known chemist, also refused to swear to fascism and was forced to ask to be retired. There are several articles about him on the net.
(info taken and translated from source)


I didn’t find out what became of Luigi.

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Danke, routebleue!
Hier fahren die D-Züge über´s Haus, 7, in Böen 8 …
Schönen Abend!

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Brother: Attilio Errera

[CLI_Part_22] 132191314 - Dokumente - Talk in the Forum of the Arolsen Archives (arolsen-archives.org)

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