- Document ID: 132176387
- Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/132176387
Maria RUHE *07.08.1924
Couldn´t find her, ma chere @carola.b, can you?
This could be the applicant „Friedricke“ in Sweden:
There is also a „Jakob“ on ushmm, but without matching info …
Maria ( Mary Lou) RUHE née LEWY, born in Lodz on 07.08.1924.
She emigrated to the US with her husband Stefan.
Her biography and oral testimony with lots of documents:
In most of her Arolsen documents next to her name:
Jakob RUHE, born in Lodz on 01.05.1917, with same address in Kassel, (Brasselsbergstr. 28)
It seems he is identical with her husband Stefan (same date and place of birth)
[edit] Here her husband’s name is given as Steven J, Ruhe, maybe „J.“ for Jakob?
Her Arolsen documents here, here, here and here (I somehow can’t post a single link…)
as for Friederike it seems you are right: (here, page 2)
Wollte mich eigentlich nicht „einmischen“, konnte aber wegen POR Kassel nicht widerstehen…
Beste Grüße an euch beide!
Ich liebe es, wenn Du Dich einmischt!
Vielen Dank und schönes WoE, ich komme erst nachher zum Weitermachen.
Husband: Stefan Ruhe *30-04-1917 in Lodz
Here as Jakub Ruhe:
Mentioned next to Maria, but different DOB’s:
Jakob Ruhe: *01-05-1917 or 1-07-1915 in Lodz
Friederike Ruhe née Behr (not related)