[CLI_Part_22] 132176387 Maria RUHE


Discussion Question

Maria RUHE

Maria RUHE *07.08.1924

Couldn´t find her, ma chere @carola.b, can you?
This could be the applicant „Friedricke“ in Sweden:
There is also a „Jakob“ on ushmm, but without matching info …

Maria ( Mary Lou) RUHE née LEWY, born in Lodz on 07.08.1924.
She emigrated to the US with her husband Stefan.

Her biography and oral testimony with lots of documents:

In most of her Arolsen documents next to her name:
Jakob RUHE, born in Lodz on 01.05.1917, with same address in Kassel, (Brasselsbergstr. 28)
It seems he is identical with her husband Stefan (same date and place of birth)
[edit] Here her husband’s name is given as Steven J, Ruhe, maybe „J.“ for Jakob?

Her Arolsen documents here, here, here and here (I somehow can’t post a single link…)

as for Friederike it seems you are right: (here, page 2)

Wollte mich eigentlich nicht „einmischen“, konnte aber wegen POR Kassel nicht widerstehen…
Beste Grüße an euch beide!

1 „Gefällt mir“

Ich liebe es, wenn Du Dich einmischt! :blue_heart:
Vielen Dank und schönes WoE, ich komme erst nachher zum Weitermachen.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Husband: Stefan Ruhe *30-04-1917 in Lodz

Here as Jakub Ruhe:

Mentioned next to Maria, but different DOB’s:

Jakob Ruhe: *01-05-1917 or 1-07-1915 in Lodz


Friederike Ruhe née Behr (not related)

1 „Gefällt mir“