[CLI_Part_19] 132064097

  • Document ID: 132064097
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Hyman LAKMAKER #dutch #jew

Hyman LAKMAKER (* 1889-12-07 in Amsterdam, Holland; + 1942-09-01 in Auschwitz)

Living in Belgium, arrested and imprisoned at Caserne Dossin in Belgium, deported to Auschwitz.


Jetje / Judic / Judie LAKMAKER, née ENGELSMAN (* 1897-05-18 in Amsterdam, Holland; + 1942-09-01 in Auschwitz)

Deported with her husband


David LAKMAKER (* 1928-09-20 in Amsterdam, Holland; + 1942-09-01 in Auschwitz)

Deported with his parents


Hello Baulukas! Thanks a lot for your research! Some more info/links:

#belgium POR; deported from


Deported witch his wife and son on Convoy VII

Transport list (n° 75, 76 and 77):


They did not survive:

#typo #geo POR: [Pelikaanstraat]

1 „Gefällt mir“