[CLI_Part_19] 132052287

  • Document ID: 132052287
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Wilhelm DORNBUSCH #german #jew

Wilhelm / Willi DORNBUSCH (* 1899-10-11 / 1899-10-09 in Geistingen, Henef-Sieg, Germany, + in Minsk)

Son of David DORNBUSCH and Emma DORNBUSCH, née NATHAN.

He was maried to Sophie DORNBUSCH, née SCHLOMANN.

He was living in Geistingen Henef, Oberstraße 121.

He was deported 1938-11-15 to CC Dachau (Prisoner Number: 27192).

On the 1943-11-28 he was deported to Trostenez near Minsk, where he most likely died.

He did not survive.


David DORNBUSCH (* 1870-04-18 in Mogendorf, Germany, + 1942-09-19 in Treblinka)

He was deported from Köln to Theresienstadt on the 1942-11-19.

He was further deported on the 1942-06-15 from Theresienstadt to Treblinka, where he was murdered.


Sophie / Sofie Marianne DORNBUSCH, née SCHLOMANN (* 1909-07-17 in Malchow, Germany, + 1942-07-24 in Minsk)

Deported 1942-07-20 from Köln to Trestnez near Minsk, were she died.


Berthel Barthel DORNBUSCH (*1931-04-12 in Geistingen, + 1942-07-24 in Minsk)

She was deported and murdered together with her parents.


Heinz Siegbert DORNBUSCH (* 1936-02-14 in Geistingen, + 1942-07-2 in Minsk)

Deported with his parents to Trostez near Minsk.
