- Document ID: 132052287
- Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Son of David DORNBUSCH and Emma DORNBUSCH, née NATHAN.
He was maried to Sophie DORNBUSCH, née SCHLOMANN.
He was living in Geistingen Henef, Oberstraße 121.
He was deported 1938-11-15 to CC Dachau (Prisoner Number: 27192).
On the 1943-11-28 he was deported to Trostenez near Minsk, where he most likely died.
He did not survive.
He was deported from Köln to Theresienstadt on the 1942-11-19.
He was further deported on the 1942-06-15 from Theresienstadt to Treblinka, where he was murdered.
Deported 1942-07-20 from Köln to Trestnez near Minsk, were she died.
She was deported and murdered together with her parents.
Deported with his parents to Trostez near Minsk.