[CLI_Part_19] 132046605

  • Document ID: 132046605
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Sylvain DARDIK #french #jew


  • Born September 21, 1894 - Paris, 3ème, France
  • Deceased June 10, 1944 - La Teclaz, 73, France, aged 49 years old
  • Restaurateur, commerçant

Lived in : Paris (75)

Spouse and child

  • Married April 22, 1920, Paris, 9ème, 75, France, to „Georgette“ Henriette BLOCH, born June 11, 1898 - Enghien-les-Bains, 95, France, deceased October 23, 1973 - Paris, 16ème, France aged 75 years old,

Employée de commerce

(Parents : M Georges BLOCH 1860-1901 & F „Louise“ Rosalie Célestine DELRUE 1861-1950) with