[Central Location Index Part 9] 132010650

  • Document ID: 132010650
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Motl FRYMER (*1922)

Most likely the same as Motel FRIMER / FRYMER (*1922-05-02 in Warsaw, Poland).

He was the son of Josyf FRYMER and Chana FRYMER, née FEINGOLD.

He emigrated with his wife and son to Canada.


Sara FRYMER, née SUM (typo in CLI) (* 1923-04-29 in Pultusk, Poland)

Her parents were Benjamin SUM and Etla SUM, née MALUMEK.


Her brother, Isaak SUM (* 1919-04-11 in Pultusk, Poland): https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/79799606
(there is more information on him and his family in the archive)

Their son, Herschel / Hersz FRYMER (* 1946-06-05 in Stetin, Poland)
