[Central Location Index Part 9] 132001233

  • Document ID: 132001233
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Fritz Johann BIALLOSTERSKI (*1920-01-16 in Veendam, Netherlands)


Living in Amsterdam, Nic. Witsenkade 10 hs.

He did survive.

See also:

Also mentioned are his parents and sister in the card file from Amsterdam, all of which were transported 1943-11-16, and murdered in Auschwitz.

All three were most likely previous at Westerbork (I could not find any resource on if Fritz was also there)

Tobias BIALLOSTERSKI (*1888-03-04 in Amsterdam, + between 1943-12 and 1944-01 in Auschwitz), his father

He was registered in Auschwitz under the prisoner number 163866


Jeanette Johanna BIALLOSTERSKI, née JOOSTEN (*1898-10-14 in Winschoten), his mother


Margaretha Elisabeth Maggie BIALLOSTERSKI (* 1926-09-29 in Amsterdam), his sister

Frits Biallosterski has written a book with poems: F.J. Biallosterski - Nederlandse Poëzie Encyclopedie
Over his mother: Jeanette Biallosterski en Frits Schiller – Esther Schreuder

Frits Johan Balliosterski #typo first name


He named his only daughter after his sister, murdered in Auschwitz
