[Central Location Index Part 9] 131997141

  • Document ID: 131997141
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Auguste FELDHEIM née ROTHSCHILD #german #female #jew




her husband Wolf already died in 1940: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Wolf Feldheim 1875-1940 - Ancestry®

HStAM Bestand 270 Kassel Nr. 4982 - Feldheim, Bruno Abraham geg... - Arcinsys Detailseite - according to this source her son Bruno, born 1921, asked for restitution after the war

He seems to have emigrated to Palestine in 1937, according to this source: https://juden-in-fulda.org/fulda-fluechtlings-auswanderer-liste/

The following pages of testimony all are referring to Auguste Feldheim, although with different yob’s:
https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=5366713&ind=2 - submitted by her stepson Aharon Feldheim
submitted by her daughter Zelma/Selma Heisler/Hizler
https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=798469&ind=1 - submitted by her sister Elise Rothschild

according to this source Auguste’s daughter Selma/Zelma, born 1913, died in Petach Tikva/Israel in 1982: HHStAW Bestand 518 Nr. 18544 - Heisler, Selma geb. Feldheim - Arcinsys Detailseite
https://juden-in-fulda.org/fulda-fluechtlings-auswanderer-liste/ - according to this source Selma finally emigrated to England
MtL - Mapping the Lives
Miss Selma Feldheim - Second World War Internees - iMuseum - she was interned on the Isle of Man
HStAM Bestand 270 Kassel Nr. 6552 - Heisler, Selma gegen Land H... - Arcinsys Detailseite - Selma asked the Land of Hesse for compensation payment because of certain health problems as a result of her persecution

her daughter Else/Elsa, born 1914: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1630064&ind=1
https://juden-in-fulda.org/fulda-fluechtlings-auswanderer-liste/ - she was a married Polak and lived in the Netherlands before the war because of her Dutch husband Anton Polak
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
Else Polak-Feldheim
NS-Opfer aus Dinslaken | stolpersteine-dinslaken.de

her husband Anton Polak, Auguste’s son-in-law: Anton Polak
Anton Polak (Den Haag, 4 oktober 1904 - Sobibor, 9 juli 1943) - Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen
Anton Polak was the mohel for the Jewish community in The Hague, compare here: Circumcision certificate for Robert Krell signed by Anton Polak, mohel for the Jewish community in The Hague. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - i.e. he performed the Jewish rite of circumcision

Anton’s children, Else was their stepmother, their mother Sophia, née Risch, already died in 1939, obviously after the birth of her fourth child:
Isaak Polak, born 1932: Isaac Polak
Judith Hadassa Polak, born 1933: Judith Hadassa Polak
Shoelammieth Ruth Polak, born 1935: Shoelammieth Ruth Polak
Benzion Baruch Polak, born 1939: Benzion Baruch Polak
The family Polak was murdered in Sobibor in 1943

the daughter Ruth, born 1911, fled to Belgium and married Jonas Tiefenbrunner, who had founded a youth home and yeshiva for religious boys aged 15 to 17 who had come to Belgium on a Kindertransport - Jonas and Ruth Tiefenbrunner sit at their dining room table [probably at the Mariaburg DP children's home near Antwerp]. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
MtL - Mapping the Lives

This is Jonas Tiefenbrunner, Ruth’s husband, with their daughter Judith, Auguste’s grandchild: The director of the Orphenilat Israelite de Bruxelles, Jonas Tiefenbrunner, with his baby daughter. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Group portrait of children and staff in Amseremme, Belgium. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
MtL - Mapping the Lives

Auguste’s stepson Arthur/Aharon, born 1916: https://juden-in-fulda.org/fulda-fluechtlings-auswanderer-liste/
MtL - Mapping the Lives

all three surviving children of Auguste and her stepson Arthur/Aharon, who had emigrated to Israel, asked for compensation payments after the war because of Damage in professional advancement in self-employment, further capital compensation with classification (upgrading) in a comparable civil servant group of the higher service: HStAM Bestand 270 Kassel Nr. 6531 - Tiefenbrunner, Ruth u. a. g... - Arcinsys Detailseite

the applicant Moritz Katz was the husband of Clara, née Rothschild, born in Waltersbrück/Hessen-Nassau in 1891, she was Auguste’s sister, so Moritz Katz was her brother-in-law: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Rothschild-129