[Central Location Index Part 9] 131982110 Mirla Tannenbaum-Zwiebel

  • Document ID: 131982110
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question


#poland POB Przeworsk
#france POR; deported from


Gertrude Tannenbaum

page of testimony submitted by her grandson Bernard Braner, living in Paris in 1995: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1805610&ind=1

submitted by her son-in-law Yaakov Brener: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1548934&ind=1

her daughter Gertrude: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1837331&ind=1

this is about her son George’s wedding: Family and friends celebrate the wedding of a French Jewish couple at the Metz-Crystal Palace. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - it includes a photo showing the wedding party including a lot of people out of the family’s Tannenbaum/Zwiebel/Spangelet (compare the applicant’s) name
this is the engagment photo of George Tannenbaum and Laja Lejzerowicz. They survived according to the source: Engagement photograph of a French Jewish couple. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Their wedding photograph: Wedding photograph of a French Jewish couple. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
This is George in his French military uniform: Portrait of George Tannenbaum in his French military uniform. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Their son Lazare, born 1941, Mirel Tannenbaum’s grandson: Two-year-old Lazare Tannenbaum with a French couple who had a tobacco store in Moirans and helped care for him. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Family picture with Mirel (Perl) and her husband Lazar Tannenbaum: A French Jewish family poses for a photograph. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Laja Tannenbaum, née Lejzerowicz: Laja Tannenbaum stands on a dock in the seaside town of Arcachon. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
George Tannenbaum and his son Lazare: Two-year-old Lazare Tannenbaum sits on his father George's shoulders. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
A photograph from Lazare’s first grade class: A first grade class in Metz, France. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Gertrude’s sister Malka, married Hercberg, and her brother Maurice/Moritz Tannenbaum: Siblings Malka Hercberg and Maurice Tannenbaum walk down the street of Marseilles. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Booklet including the experiences of Holocaust survivors Gershon Tannenbaum, his wife Lea (Lezerovitz) Tannenbaum and their family members, from before and during the war in 1936-1945, as recorded by their son Lazare Lucien Tannenbaum, born in Angouleme, France in 1941: https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/documents/13370120

1 „Gefällt mir“

Mirel Tannenbaum had another daughter who was deported from France with her husband and son:

Daughter : Sprinza Frieder née Tannenbaum


Sprenza Frieder est née Jacober le 16/11/1902 à Przeworsk (Pologne). Elle se marie avec Jacob Frieder et a un enfant, Sylvain né en 1939 à Metz. Elle habite à Bordeaux. Pendant la guerre, elle est internée avec son mari et son fils au camp de Monts au lieu dit Lalande (Indre-et-Loire). Elle est déportée avec son mari par le convoi 8 parti le 20/07/1942 d’Angers à destination du camp d’Auschwitz. Son fils resté au camp de monts avec sa grand mère paternelle et déporté par le convoi 31.

Sprinza Frieder (Tannenbaum) (1902 - 1942) - Genealogy (with incorrect husband)

Sprinza’s husband: Jacob Frieder

Jacob Frieder est né le 25/06/1896 à Przeworsk (Pologne). Il se marie avec Sprenza Frieder née Jacober et a un fils Sylvain né en 1939 à Metz. La famille habite 39 rue du Petit Goave à Bordeaux (Gironde). Jacob est commerçant. Il est interné au camp de Monts au lieu dit Lalande (Indre et Loire) avec sa mère, sa femme et son fils. Il est déporté avec sa femme par le convoi 8 parti le 20/07/1942 d’Angers à destination du camp d’Auschwitz. Son fils Sylvain et sa mère Sara Frieder sont déportés par le convoi 31 parti le 11/09/1942 du camp de Drancy à destination du camp d’Auschwitz.

Their son, grandson of Mirel Tannenbaum: Sylvain Frieder

https://stevemorse.org/france/doc/473_Enfants_Vol.2.pdf (this link mentions a older sister Hella. Hella is not his sister, but the daughter of Jeremias Frieder, a brother of Jacob Frieder, and Sarah Moherer/Mohrer See: - Mémorial de la Shoah)