Document ID: 131929177
Document Collection: M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
Link to Online Archive: Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 71410001 - M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
Jew - Hungarian
https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=13633214&ind=1 - according to this source Imre Gluck survived
his mother Berta Izabel/Isabella Gluck, née David, born 1890: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=13858209&ind=1
his brother Jozsef/Joseph/Yosef Glück/Gluck: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=13860743&ind=1 - according to this source he was born in 1916 and a teacher
in this case this should be his father Dr. Mihaly/Mikhael Glück, he was a laywer and born in 1886, according to this source he survived: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=12648985&ind=1