[Central Location Index – Part 7] 131899342


Discussion Question

Recha GERECHER née BLUM #german #female #jew #stolperstein

Recha Gerechter, née Blum, born in Halberstadt in 1882, compare here: MtL - Mapping the Lives
confirmed here: Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag - but the pob Halberstadt seems to be incorrectly stated as is mentioned in this source: Recha Gerechter née Blum | Stolpersteine in Berlin - according to this source her pob was Emden and she was the sister of the state rabbi of the district of Emden
Grab von Recha Gerechter (geb. Blum) (29.04.1880-), Friedhof Emden-jüdisch

This could be her then: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1442001&ind=1
and this: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=3972975&ind=1

This could be her brother then Samuel Chaim Blum - https://bibliothek.ostfriesischelandschaft.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/dateiarchiv/1871/Blum-Samuel.pdf - his pob is indicated with Halberstadt here and his dob with August 23rd, 1882, which can’t be: either the pob of him or his sister must be wrong, but I think it’s him, compare the relative’s name on the CLI-card - according to the source he emigrated to Palestine in 1939, that would match the entry of the card as well
Berichte über die Rabbiner und jüdischen Lehrer in Emden im 19./20. Jahrhundert - according to this source he was born in 1883 (?)
Jüdische Gemeinde - Emden (Niedersachsen) (including a picture)
Recha was the second wife of Louis Gerechter, who already had died in 1936, she didn’t have own children, but a stepson.

This is about her stepson Siegbert (MtL - Mapping the Lives), his wife Alice (MtL - Mapping the Lives) and their daughter Johanna Jutta Gerechter (later married Neumann, compare the relative’s name of the pages of the yad-vashem-testimonies), who escaped to and survived in Albania: "Neumann, the mother of four, grandmother of 14, and great-grandmother of 13, said they would likely not exist if not for “the wonderful, magnanimous Albanian people.’ "- Shoa survivor recalls her Muslim rescuers | New Jersey Jewish News
Eastern European Jewish History
This was written by Benyi Neumann, the son of Johanna Jutta Gerechter, married Neumann: A Taste of Albania for Shabbat
CBS Special on Jewish in Albania - YouTube
Emigrierte Jüdin kehrt zurück: Letzte Chance Albanien - taz.de
Close-up portrait of a German Jewish couple who were living as refugees in Albania. - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Johanna Jutta Neumann: Escape to Albania | Robert Elsie
Stolpersteine in Hamburg | Umweg über Albanien
https://www.washingtonjewishweek.com/obituaries-for-july-27-2017/ - Johanna Jutta Neumann, née Gerechter, died in 2017, she then had 20 great-grandchildren :slight_smile: