[Central Location Index – Part 7] 131892644


Discussion Question

ist das beim Vornamen in Klammern eine Bemerkung?

typo streetname last known address should be Hannover, Haasemannstr.
typo address applicant - I’m not quite sure what is wrong, but I could imagine, Karlifona should be California

This could be his brother Isaac Miedzinski, compare indicated address after the war: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/search/person/68278262?s=Isaac%20Miedzinski&t=2740556&p=0
In this case this should be the brother as well: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/68278261
and this: Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 03010101 16 040 - Ordner DP2688, Namen von MIDLEJA, EDMUND bis MIEKICSZYN, Piotr (2) - there are two yob’s indicated, 1909 and 1919, but I think it’s the same person

Therefore I’m quite convinced that this is the person indicated on the CLI-card: Henryk/Henrik Miedzinski, born in Piotrkow/Poland in 1905: Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 03010101 16 040 - Ordner DP2688, Namen von MIDLEJA, EDMUND bis MIEKICSZYN, Piotr (2)
Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 03010101 16 040 - Ordner DP2688, Namen von MIDLEJA, EDMUND bis MIEKICSZYN, Piotr (2) - compare streetname

I got the impression, that the two brothers with their families emigrated to the USA in 1950 on the USAT GENERAL M L HERSEY, compare here: Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 8303060 - Schriftwechsel und Namenlisten, ausgestellt in Bremen-Grohn: Verkehrsmittel Schiff (USAT GENERAL M L HERSEY); Transitländer und Emigrationsziele: USA The first name of Henryk’s wife could have been Pola - Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 03010101 16 040 - Ordner DP2688, Namen von MIDLEJA, EDMUND bis MIEKICSZYN, Piotr (2)

I could ímagine the addition in brackets was an information about the yiddish version of Henryk’s first name, but this is just a guess