Document ID: 131842005
Document Collection: M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
Anna Gutmann, born in Schwanfeld in 1883: Anna Gutmann (Blättner) (1883 - 1942) - Genealogy
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
Julius Gutmann, born in Schwanfeld in 1879 - MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
This could be the here indicated Ricka Blattner, respectively Carolina Rebekka Blättner née Stern, born in Aidhausen in 1856 and living in Schwanfeld, she could be his mother-in-law
https://www.historisches-unterfranken.uni-wuerzburg.de/juf/Datenbank/detailsinclude.php?global=;search;37114; - according to this source he and Anna had two children, Else and Max (both born in 1909, but no twins), who managed to emigrate to the USA, where Else married and became Else Weinman (compare the CLI-card)
JG Schwanfeld – DenkOrt Deportationen
Else Weinman: Else Weinman (Gutmann) (1909 - 1981) - Genealogy - according to this source she died in New York in 1981
Max Gutmann: Max Gutmann (1909 - 1980) - Genealogy - according to this source he died in Reading/Pennsylvania in 1980