[Auswandererkartei Bremen Part 05 (International Refugee Organization-Kartei)] 135803241

  • Document ID: 135803241
  • Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen

Discussion Question

Asked by @moewenzahn

#ship name unclear, probably ending …EA,

AA document states „S/S Svalbard“ https://collections-server.arolsen-archives.org/H/Child%20Tracing%20Branch%20General%20Documents/03010302/aa/er/tk/001.jpg

SS Svalbard:


SVALBARD, originally named TOGO, was commissioned by the German Woermann Line and launched on 13 August 1938. Togo was built as a cargo ship before being refitted in 1941 as a commerce raider. It served as a night fighter direction ship in Baltic waters until the end of World War II.
After being seized by the British in 1945 as a war prize, the vessel was given to the Norwegian Government in 1946. It was renamed SVALBARD and converted to carry 900 displaced persons. On 20 September 1948 SVALBARD undertook its first voyage transporting displaced persons, from Bremerhaven to Fremantle and then Sydney.
SVALBARD undertook three more of these voyages in 1949 before being passed into the Norwegian Navy in 1954.

#remark seems to read „by train via italy“