[Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei im Original)] do_RJ3A99QfmcfK5yepnzwpL Jazeps BEKIS

  • Document ID: do_RJ3A99QfmcfK5yepnzwpL
  • Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
  • Link to Online Archive:

Discussion Question

Jazeps BEKIS

Jazeps BEKIS


According to the remarks on the card, Mr. Bekis - at the age of 89 - was unable to board the „General Mc Rae“ that should bring him to the US and had to return to Augsburg.

Is it possible that he finally made it, against all odds?
Could this be him, with year of birth 1860, deceased in Kentucky (USA) on 09.09.1953?

see note below the photo [quote] "First name on (death) certificate listed as Joseph, birthplace as Aglona, Latvia, and informant listed as „Boleslav Bekis (son)“.

(Paywalls again…)

According to this Arolsen document he left for the USA on 27.12.1949, accompanied by 7 family members, one of them „Boleslaw – son“.
Did he really leave that day? If so, when, why and how did he return to Germany?

According to our documents, he was able to emigrate to New York on the ship Langfitt on June 20, 1950.:

Thanks a lot, this brightens up my day! :sun_behind_small_cloud:
(I had seen this list, but did not find out the date of departure.)

https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/archive/3-1-3-2_8303220 Here you can see all the documents that belong to the list.
Thanks :slight_smile:

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