- Document ID: 6348313
- Document Collection: 1-1-5-3-Individuelle H�ftlingsunterlagen-KL Buchenwald
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/6348313
reason for arrest:
I entered „Störung der gedeihlichen Entwicklung des Protektorats (Geld bekommen zur Finanz. der Faschisten gegen N.S.)“, but I’m not quite sure.
By the way: The overstroke/Überstrich was a common German way of doubling the nasals, so I always enter m̅/n̅ as „mm/nn“. Is that correct?
wife’s POR should read „Hluboká-Zámostí“
He died in a Hamburg forced labor camp on 31.12.1944 during a bomb attack.
Dear @routebleue,
I read the reason for imprisonment the same way you do.
Thank you for pointing out the special detail with the overstrokes! This is actually a form of abbreviation that was used in 19th century cursive writing. In the documents of the Arolsen Archives, the overstrokes are rather rare, as this spelling was reformed in the 1930s. The fact that you used doubling the letters to break up the abbreviation is great!
Have a great day.
Good evening,
I can confirm that an overstroke means doubling the letter, even in the 1980ies we used this way of spelling while labeling technical drawings, maybe it was a quirk of our instructor who was already an old man at that time.