[7-13-1_und_7-2-3-2_HPKs_Challenge2025] 1881894

  • Document ID: 1881894
  • Document Collection: 1-1-26-4 individuelle Unterlagen Frauen Mauthausen

Discussion Question

Angèle Marthe VUILLET née GUYON #French
Asked by @cine.cure

Angèle (Marthe) VUILLET née GUYON, b. 23.06.1896 in Louhans
A widowed woman, mother of 2.

In Ravensbrück from 22.04.1944
In Mauthausen from 07.03.1945 with prisoner nr 2757
#released 22.04.1945

An anotation over her birth record indicates she passed away on 29.07.1944, without further details. This DOD also appears - explicitely or not - under following links:

However the presently studied document indicates Marthe VUILLET was still alive on 07.03.1945 - and seemingly on 22.04.1945 too (stamp „released“). The following link also tends to indicate she survived and was even rapatriated:

It is likely she died during or shortly after being rapatriated, as no other details could be found to clarify this situation (?)