Robert Jaskarzec’s place of birth is apparently not Paris, as stated here, for I could not find him in any 1914 birth records. In addition, his wedding act with Suzanne née BRAVIN (1918-2003) on 14.01.1939 indicates that Majer Reuwen Jaskarzyc was born 02.02.1919 in Warsaw and lived 25 rue d’Angoulème in Paris, with his parents.The BDDM link you shared, macakm, also tends to confirm that (POB in Poland rather than France).
Robert Jaskarzec survived the war, based on this liked document and on the fact that he divorced in 1947.
Robert’s death does not appear among INSEE online data (to be found from suggesting that he passed away before 1970. No data could however be found either in Parisian death records for 10th and 12th suburb over the period running from 1958 (when he lived in Paris 10th suburb, see previous link) to 1970 (startpoint of INSEE data availability)…